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Published on Luglio 17th, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti



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Micro inverter PV system

CDD connects your ABB Micro inverter PV system to the Internet in a simple and quick way.

The CDD uses wireless communication technology to monitor each Micro inverter without additional wiring. Through a web-based portal, you can view data on the daily and historical photovoltaic production. The CDD is required to commission the Micros and provides performance monitoring.


  • Easy setup to configuration
  • Data sampling every 60 sec up to 4 sec for real-time performance monitoring and rapid detection of operational failure
  • Up to 30 Micro inverters directly monitored by a single CDD
  • 24 hours 7 days web-based monitoring
  • CDD mesh network topology ensures redundancy in communications and the highest design flexibility
Category: Photovoltaic
Tags: ABB, CDD INVERTER, inverter, Micro inverter, Micro inverter PV system, photovoltaic, wireless communication technology

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