Published on Gennaio 24th, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti

Via Torricellii, 8 - 42011 Bagnolo in Piano (RE)
Phone +39 0522 957511 - Fax +39 0522 951069
Production: roofing and insulation systems
Alubel: concreteness, creativity and innovation
Above mentioned qualities never left founders and their heirs; still nowadays they are part of business DNA of a company group in constant growth. Alubel was born toward end of 80’s: thanks to some partners’ intuition, the idea of producing industrial metal roofing never seen in Italy takes shape. Risk is high, but, as it usually happens in every business successful history, heroes guess winning moves and leadnew creature to triumph. Alubel immediately asserts itself as technological avant-garde in roofing field and becomes unopposed leader in the Italian market.
Winning market strategies and directing team professionalism allow Alubel to become a reference company, proposing specific products, which can be widely used both for new buildings and for renewal projects.
Today Alubel has available a widespread range of products, which includes several roofing and covering systems, sound-proofing and insulation products, which can be used in industrial and civil buildings, as well as in public projects.
Productive plant, most of it of recent construction, is yearly enriched with new investments for realization of new products.Alubel-Fibrotubi group is nowadays working on a surface of 100.000 sqm, 40.000 of them are covered; production is distributed on 7 different areas, with more than 200 employees and a consolidated turnover during last period of more than 100 Euro millions.
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