Published on Giugno 23rd, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti

G.B. Aleotti, 1 - 43124 Parma (PR) - ITALY
Phone +39 0521 648888 - Fax +39 0521 648880
Production: building consolidation
Long consolidated building consolidation
For over 20 years Kappazeta has been dealing with building consolidation.
Thanks to our expertise we are in a position to overcome any problem of structural failure.
To offer you top rate service, we analyse, project and find a solution to every individual case to make our interventions lasting, non-invasive and guaranteed.
Our building consolidation interventions come after thorough examination of the wall and the floor cracks of the whole building and of the signs of the lack of soil compaction.
Once the origin of the foundation failure has been traced back, a new consolidation of the walls is planned.
The structure fault can be solved in this way; an outstanding consolidation of the foundations is restored and possible future problems of foundation and building failure avoided.
We do not offer partial solutions, but safe, lasting results!
We worry about people. We know that a building is the very centre of a community’s, a family’s, a firm’s life: this is why our interventions are always planned to be quick and non-invasive, to minimize inconvenience to the people.
We are in a position to work at a distance of 100 m. from the building to consolidate and also when other builders’ yards are there.
Professional competence, research and innovation start with making an estimate of the costs.
A qualified technician of ours will make an estimate and he will determine whether an intervention is possible, providing the necessary guarantee and evaluating its exact extension and quotation.
This is the way to avoid unpleasant surprise in the future!
Our interventions depend upon advanced technology and unique material (created by our research assistants) and are the result of our long on-the-spot expertise.
Our slow-expanding resin penetrates more in depth than any other on the market and fills the gaps between the soil and the foundations, restoring stability and solving the problem of building failure and cracks at the root.
All interventions are carried out by an Operation Technician and monitored in real time by the PDT System, which connects the computer of our mobile control center with the soil-foundation system.
Kappazeta’s operative team consists of highly qualified professionals who know the manifold uses and full potential of consolidation techniques thoroughly and can plan personalized solutions and specific alternatives for every need of consolidation.
All Kappazeta Engineers and Geologists share the founding values of the Company that since 1986 have been dealing in ground consolidation to find a final solution to the problems of cracks in the wall and to assure greater security to buildings and houses built on unstable soil.
Thanks to their knowledge and thanks to the experience gained in thousands of interventions, all Kappazeta Technicians are perfectly capable of proposing a feasibility study and making a plan on even the most complex cases and for particularly valuable buildings.
This means that every single solution will always be considered on the basis of our Client’s needs.
Kappazeta follows a clear, effective procedure in each phase of its relations with the Client:
- on receiving the potential Client’s first phone call, we focus on the problem;
- the subsequent on-the-spot investigation of a Kappazeta Engineer or Geologist determines whether an intervention is possible, providing the necessary guarantees and evaluating the exact extension of the intervention itself;
- on the fixed date, in compliance with our agreement with our Client, our intervention is carried out by our work team under the supervision of the Operation Technician.
Fill out the form to request information from KAPPAZETA S.P.A.