Published on Luglio 1st, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti

Vicolo Dei Campi, 8 - 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) - ITALY
Phone +39 347 3363807 - Fax +390461 552522
Production: Sealants and grouts, base preparing and gluing, natural stone laying, resin floors, adhesives, screeds, waterproof
Sky Stones Italy: ecology, quality and innovation
Sky Stones offers top quality products together with qualified technical assistance.
Our main goal is satisfying our customers’ needs.
The wide range of our products and of the solutions we offer are not just top quality and very efficient but can solve lots of flooring problems. Our coscientious work and our endless controls give the product the guarantees you need.
We achieve our goals according to eco-friendly, economical and social principles.
The market needs and the lack of attention paid to the technical aspects of the construction site have led us to deepen the study of new products and new solutions in the field of the natural stone and not only.
We are the ideal interlocutor being able to satisfy your technical needs, suggest improving solutions and offer a 360 degrees service for ingeneers, public administrators and private companies.
The new products and solutions we have found with the help of chemical firms allow us to face the market challenges and offer products that are brand new both from a technological perspective and a lasting warranty.
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