Published on Luglio 1st, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti

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Production: Tubular daylighting systems
Tubular daylighting systems
Delivering more natural light to your home, office or workplace – guaranteed!
Unlike virtually any other product on the market, there’s only one criterion when it comes to deciding which light pipe to choose – that is the system that will deliver the most light.
It’s very easy to get lost in all of the talk of reflective values and patented technologies, and still be left in the dark.
So to help you select the right system for your home, office or building project, we handed over the countries two leading systems, and one of ours, to the BRE and asked them to run tests to see who is the most efficient.
The BRE tested our Solarspot D-38 against the nearest sizes from Solatube and SunPipe.
You can read the full report or download it by following one of the links at the foot of this page, and we’ve also produced a one page summary sheet to help you cut straight to the important stuff.
Solarspot for your home
With two smaller sizes to choose from, the Solarspot domestic range is unsurpassed at delivering daylight into the heart of your home.
Compare the Solarspot D-38 to the equivalent Solatube 290DS product and you will see that the D-38 will deliver on average around 70% more light – perfect for areas up to 24sqm.
Likewise, the compact D-25 will deliver around 50% more light than any other equivalent size system making it the number one choice for smaller spaces like bathrooms and hallways.
Solarspot for your business
With five system sizes to choose from, starting with the compact D-25, 250mm unit, right up to the outstanding 900mm diameter D-90, which can light areas up to 95sqm, Solarspot daylight solutions can provide you with the natural light you require, whatever your building type or business activity.
Solarspot for commercial projects
Whether you are an architect or specifier, when deciding on the right daylight product for your next project you need to be assured that the supplier you select can offer the range products you need, that deliver the performance your customers demand.
Solarspot are the only manufacture of tubular daylight systems that offer maximum daylight delivery, a complete and comprehensive suite of products, and the technical support and back up that you can trust.
Solarspot is the ultimate tubular daylighting system.
Fill out the form to request information from SOLARSPOT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L