Published on Aprile 15th, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti
0via M. Buonarroti, 15 - 20093 Cologno Monzese (MI) - ITALY
Phone +39 02 267.00.605 - Fax +39 02 267.00.621

Cement-based and ultra-quick setting premixed mortar with special additives and aggregates to stop local water seepage, even under pressure. It can be used on concrete and masonry in general.
Mix the product with water and hand-apply wearing protective gloves by making a applying strong pressure for about 30 seconds.
Ensure that the application surfaces are free from grease and salts, clean and free from crumbling or powdery parts. For a better result extend, if necessary, the dovetail hole. Apply between +5° and +35°.
5 kg bags – 4 pieces per box
25 kg bags – 60 bags per pallet
The product has 6 months stability if properly packed and stored in a cool dry place. Store between +5° and +35°C.
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