Published on Giugno 25th, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti
0Via Bazzanese, 2/7 - 40033 Casalechio di Reno (BO) - ITALY
Phone +39 051 2988511 - Fax +39 051 571274

The Classic Poly Panel for Universal Application
JKM265P-60, the best sold and competitively priced polycrystalline modules of this kind offers exceptional value, reliability and energy output while reducing overall system costs.
With output up to 265Wp, superior low light performance as well as weather resistant reliability, it is renowned for its outstanding performance ratio and yield in kWh/kW (according to Photon Lab’s Outdoor Module Test).
It is a classic poly module suitable for all applications from residential rooftop, commercial, public building, agricultural and industrial flat roofs to large scale ground-mounted solar plants.
Thecnical data
- Type: Polycrystalline 60-cell Module
- Output: Up to 265Wp
- Efficiency: Up to 16.19%
- Junction Box: IP67
- Weight: 18.5 kg
- Temp. Coefficients of Pmax : -0.41%/℃
- Most cost competitively poly module of this kind in the market
- A wide range of applications and a geographic universal series
- Maximize kWh/kw generation through best-in-class conversion efficiency up to 15.89%
- Optimize surface texturing to maximize current
- Superior performance as spectrum changes
- Superior low light intensity performance
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