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Published on Luglio 9th, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti



Via per Sacile, 158 - 31018 Francenigo di Gaiarine (TV) - ITALY

Phone (+39) 0434 768462 - Fax +39 0438 694617


Made in Italy

GPRS Energy Counter


  • IntellyModem the GPRS Energy-Counter, trasmits the production via GPRS (the mobile network GSM/UMTS) to 4-CLOUD
  • Data are stored on 4-CLOUD and always accessible at any time using a standard web browser, tablet or smart phone, automatically synchronized without file transfers
  • Universal: it can be used with all the photovoltaic installations, independently from any inverter installed
  • Easy to use and install: retro-fitted without any tampering to the meterVerifies the production of the energy produced: data updated every hour (4 samples every 15 minutes)
  • Track income accurately
  • Local monitoring with the In-House Display (with optional accessory)
  • Optimization of Auto-Consumption (with optional accessory)
  • Monitors bought and sold energy to the grid (with optional accessory)
  • For single phase and 3 phase meters up to 1 MW
  • It can report possible service anomalies:

-inverter connected by clean contact (if available)
-thermal magnetic circuit breaker or differential circuit breaker by auxiliary contact
-loss of performance after 4 hours during peak generation hours (e.g. from 10.00 to 14.00)

  • Cost effective remote maintenance tools
  • The ideal solution for installers who need to monitor multiple PV systems simultaneously with the least number of devices, saving on overall costs
  • Compatible with all 4-noks accessories
  • Usable for wind, hydroelectric and cogeneration plants

How it works:

IntellyModem is a GPRS Energy Counter that is retro-fitted to any generation meter using a universal Optical Interface or direct electrical connection.
It measures the production directly from the generation meter and transmits the data via the mobile network to 4-CLOUD – a sophisticated online system that allows comprehensive reporting and remote diagnosing tools to manage a portfolio of PV installations on a single dashboard.
Data is accessible at any time using a standard web browser, tablet or smart phone.

Tags: 4-NOKS, Energy Counter, energy saving, GPRS Energy Counter, INTELLYMODEM, inverter, photovoltaic installations

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