Published on Luglio 1st, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti
0Via Torino, 25 (S.S. 25) - 10050 Chiusa San Michele (TO) - ITALY
Phone +39 011 198 70 791 - Fax +39 011 198 707 89

Photovoltaic module with transponder and handheld device - patent pending
The Thesan Koeus photovoltaic module, with a width of 19cm and length of 167,5cm, has a nominal power of 38 Watt and incorporates a device to identify any non-functioning modules, an essential characteristic due to the multitude of modules on the roof.
The device is housed inside the module and is composed of a transponder which, queried by an electromagnetic wave, responds with its serial number only if the module is not working.
This operation occurs through a centralized system or a manual handheld device, if the Hemera/Koeus system operator is working on the roof.
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