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Published on Luglio 11th, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti



Maidstone Road,Kingston, - MK10 0BD + Milton Keynes

Phone +44 (0) 1908 512 300 - Fax +44 (0) 1908 512 329


System monitoring

  • Irradiation Sensor
  • Module temperature Sensor
  • Ambient temperature Sensor
  • Wind speed Sensor

Irradiation_SensorFronius Irradiation Sensor

This sensor is for measuring the irradiated energy and is in most cases fixed on the frame of the solar module.
Comparison of the irradiated power to thus of the inverter gives a rapid overview on the proper operation of the pv-system.

Technical data

Sensor Mono crystalline Si-Sensor
Sensor voltage approx. 70 mV at 1,000 W/m² (exact calibration voltage is written on the sensor)
Accuracy ±5 % (average over a year)
Ambient temperature -40°C to +85°C
Design Sensor is mounted on Z-shaped aluminium profile;
Dimensions (l x w x h) 110 x 40 x 40 mm
Cable 3 m Cu-cable; ferrules, UV-resistant
Max. cable lenghth
(distance: Sensor Card/Box – sensor) 30 m

Category: Measuring systems
Tags: FRONIUS, Measuring systems, sensors, System monitoring, Thermal solar power

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