Infobuildproducts: the best products for architecture and construction

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Published on Febbraio 2nd, 2018 | by Raffaella Capritti


Ceramiche Refin S.p.A.

Via 1° Maggio, 22 - 42013 Salvaterra - Casalgrande (RE) - ITALY

Phone +39 0522 990499 - Fax +39 0522 849 270


Made in Italy

Slate recall

This product has a contemporary feel: stains, cloudy effects and slight scratches enliven the plain colour of the slate, bringing out the character of the material used and making it more up-to-date.

The large sizes (120×240, 120×120, and 60×120) and the version OUT2.0 (60×60), make Wide ideally suited for covering large, heavy-duty areas and for showrooms and reception areas, while the smaller sizes (60×60 and 30×60) are also perfect in the home.

There are five colours in the range – white, two shades of grey, black and mud brown – both in the smooth version and the structured variant for outdoor use, plus two shades in the version OUT2.0.

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